Guided Thinking Session

Start solving, brainstorming, or exploring

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My problem is

80 Start!

My problem is: {{problemText}}


blue hat

process, organization, big picture

how do you define the problem?

what is the process?

what is the goal?

where do we start?

80 add

My problem is: {{problemText}}


white hat

neutral, objective, facts

what are the facts?

what information is missing? Or needed?

no interpretation

stay neutral and objective

80 add

My problem is: {{problemText}}


red hat

emotion, gut, instinct

hat are your feelings?

what does your gut tell you?

initial reaction

no need to justify

80 add

My problem is: {{problemText}}


yellow hat

positive, benefits, hopes

what are the opportunities?

how will you be wildly successful?

what is the best-case scenario?

reach for the stars

80 add

My problem is: {{problemText}}


black hat

careful, cautious, critical

what are the risks?

what can go wrong?

what are the obstacles?

what's the worst-case scenario?

80 add

My problem is: {{problemText}}


green hat

creative, free, growth

what other possibilities can you use?

what's an alternative approach?

think outside the box

be provocative, original, and innovative

80 add

Guided Session Results

Great job! Here are your key points.

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Problem: {{problemText}}

Blue Hat


White Hat


Red Hat


Yellow Hat


Black Hat


Green Hat


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